“An eco-system of support”

Aerate Inc
2 min readJan 17, 2020


-Mirella Pau, Head Chef @ Cafe Muranos

Mirella Pau (Chef, Mentor and all rounder brilliant) sharing her personal story about living with diabetes, managing her almost 24/7 job and at the same time continuing doing her thing. Thanks for sharing your story!

When we are affected by constant pain, we are not in control — fear, depression and exhaustion come through. elina app helps remind you that you’re not alone! Using the app puts a smile on your face and supports you on on those days when your illness wears you down.

Being type 1 diabetes for 13 years, I have always managed my insulin around my job as a chef. I take rapid during the day and lantus at night. I’m still trying to follow my passion and continue my hobbies — all from creating new tattoos to exploring new food and drinks! I have always found it very difficult to manage all of this or keep track of my records which has a bad impact on my condition and lifestyle.

The elina app give me the ability to take control of the condition every day and also keeps the communication between yourself and your supporters a lot easier.

The elina app is the future of engagement between patients and clinics, creating an ecosystem of education and support.

And I can definitely say — the point I am making is — that life does not stop because of being diabetic!”



Aerate Inc

Aerate is a social enterprise that creates and develops scaleable concepts that connect and support people through online platforms and applications.